Adventures in Baytown

Brand / Explainer

A teaching tool to help kids grasp why they should stay indoors when their local government tells them to 'stay at home.'


Myriad Global tasked us with creating engaging animated classroom materials that explain the 'stay at home' system implemented by the U.S. government.

After each segment of the story wraps up, the teacher elaborates on the educational aspects and encourages the class to envision the subsequent events, enabling children to engage in interactive discussions with their teacher.

The narrative is presented through narration but unfolds from the viewpoint of a young boy embarking on his journey to school, which takes an unexpected turn due to a significant health incident, forcing him to navigate it cautiously.

"After each segment of the story wraps up, the teacher elaborates on the educational aspects... "

Our process

The project had a tight deadline, but we successfully delivered it effortlessly! We designed the characters using Adobe Illustrator and then imported them into After Effects for vector-based animation.

Below, you can view initial thumbnail sketches of the storyboard and a style board that was created once the scenes were finalised. While we generated several characters and designs, only a select few made it into the final version.

Featured Fun  Stuff

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